
Near future

Designing your next business

We help our clients exploit technology to strategically reshape their business around digital economy. We design new concepts, prototypes and processes for the next generation of services and experiences, ready for the market.

Designing an app that offers new services beyond banking and new experiences that allow you to plan your futureTailor-made Design Thinking programme to design new products and integrated services for Eni Gas e Luce and FastwebSketchin designs an Internet Box and the entire connectivity experience for the NeXXt generationThe Sketchin design team represented the customer voice of a new business and designed a new service from scratch, integrating it into the current Sky TV offeringLive commerce solution for global tech companySketchin has defined and launched a new energy offer with Repower, for small and medium-sized companies

A design approach for the future

The future reveals itself progressively and allows those who are able to interpret information, to plan and design their own evolution. We help our clients see what lies ahead to better figure out which direction they should take / is best for them, (the one to take) depending on their ambitions, values, opportunities.

In two to four years from now, markets and technology will have become fairly certain: emerging technologies will have reached a stage of maturity where they can be adopted within a clearly defined timeframe, and the regulatory framework will have been defined in the same way.

This makes it possible to shape a transformation planning the necessary technological leap in the short and medium term and to look to the future with an industrialized design approach to launch our customers' next business.

Design your next business