
Immersive Design Practice

Exploring new realms of immersive experiences

In our Immersive Design Practice, we craft radical immersive experiences to lead companies 
to be ready for the 
new digital breakthrough. We design for the next reality.

Technology is modern magic that needs a direction to improve our lives. Through design, we bring it to the human level by exploring new realms of immersive experience with a future-positive approach.

We started a new design unit to explore the opportunities offered by technologies like augmented and virtual reality and the new paradigms of Web3 and Metaverse.

The practice designs immersive products and services that merge physical and virtual worlds in new ways without ever-abiding sustainability and ethics, and embracing a positive approach to technology and the future.

With 15+ years of expertise as a Systemic and Human-centred design studio, we want to make people live experiences that exceed their expectations in this emerging context, opening up a new world of possibilities and habits.

We design immersive experiences with breakthrough technologies to create and reinvent relations between brands and customers.

What we do


Augmented & Virtual Reality Experiences

We craft next reality experiences to let users immerse and live memorable services and products. We want them to feel and share unforgettable moments in their everyday world.

  • Virtual Reality
  • Augmented Reality
  • Mixed Reality


Metaverses & Virtual Worlds Building

We don't replicate the real world but create environments that exploit the potential of immersive technologies, and we shape them to interact with people and brands with a further level of engagement and storytelling.

  • Metaverse Land Building
  • Virtual Worlds Design
  • Avatars


NFTs & 
Virtual Goods

Creating or Buying a digital asset and freely using it is one of the biggest challenges faced by all players in the metaverse industry. We design and craft unique NFTs to unlock the opportunities of virtual property within Web3.

  • NFT Design
  • Virtual Goods
  • 3D Modeling


Immersive Spaces for hybrid continuum

We design spaces between physical and virtual with a view to the hybrid continuum. The merging of different worlds unlocks immersive tech potential through new environments and visualizations. Users can work, learn, play and interact in real-time with both physical and digital objects.

  • Phigytal Spaces
  • Exhibitions & Installations
  • Experience Center


Augmented & Virtual Reality Experiences


Metaverses & Virtual Worlds Building


NFTs & 
Virtual Goods


Immersive Spaces for hybrid continuum

We craft next reality experiences to let users immerse and live memorable services and products. We want them to feel and share unforgettable moments in their everyday world.

We don't replicate the real world but create environments that exploit the potential of immersive technologies, and we shape them to interact with people and brands with a further level of engagement and storytelling.

Creating or Buying a digital asset and freely using it is one of the biggest challenges faced by all players in the metaverse industry. We design and craft unique NFTs to unlock the opportunities of virtual property within Web3.

We design spaces between physical and virtual with a view to the hybrid continuum. The merging of different worlds unlocks immersive tech potential through new environments and visualizations. Users can work, learn, play and interact in real-time with both physical and digital objects.

  • Virtual Reality
  • Augmented Reality
  • Mixed Reality
  • Metaverse Land Building
  • Virtual Worlds Design
  • Avatars
  • NFT Design
  • Virtual Goods
  • 3D Modeling
  • Phigytal Spaces
  • Exhibitions & Installations
  • Experience Center

Credits: Video "Hyper-Reality" courtesy of Keiichi Matsuda

Meet the Head of Immersive Practice

Alex Cascarano

Head of Immersive Design Practice

Focused on exploring the implications of living and interacting with technology to create value for companies and a better everyday life for society.

Get in touch

Do you want to know more about the Immersive Design Practice and start a collaboration or a project together?