
A smart insurance companion

Helping the leading Emirates health insurer to establish a stronger customer relationship.

Helping the leading Emirates health insurer to establish a stronger customer relationship.







Insure the best for Emirates customers

The National Health Insurance Company - Daman - is the United Arab Emirates leading specialised health insurer, providing comprehensive health insurance solutions to about 3 million people. To pioneer healthcare insurance and drive innovation, Daman wanted to deep dive into customer experience in order to supply the state-of-the-art insurance services to its members.


The Companion App set the first step to evolve Daman towards new business goals, meeting the constant changing members’ habits and engaging them into a modern and innovative relationship.

new companion features
self-service area to save costs

Private health insurance made easy

Our research led in the first phases of the design process, allowed us to acquire knowledge about the Daman members and their habits and, by becoming familiar with the complex structure of UAE’s private health insurance system, to highlight streams and dynamics of action with the company, for a better understanding of the leading threads inside the customer experience.

A real Companion App

Besides the personal or family dashboard where members can review at a glance all the key points of their relationship with Daman, a Smart Personal Account can establish a more effective communication about hot and recurrent topics avoiding “legalese” and medical jargon.

A real self-service actionable section is active for procedures that require mandatory offline actions; the app presents an easy-to-navigate menu, how-to information, all the pdf documents ready for download and a specific directory for contacts. For claims that can be worked end-to-end, the app provides a guided online procedure.

The Companion App provides a direct connection with a real medical consultancy automatically prompted with the basic information about the member and can skip the identification process at the beginning of the call, also from abroad.

Ecosystem consistency

To match the peculiarities of Daman as a company with the specific characteristics of its market, we created a few strategic guidelines that should be adopted in order to improve the communication and enrich the relationship with its members. 

A detailed design system with a UI styleguide has been built to support the user experience consistency across all app features and all the other Daman’s touchpoints.

The Companion App aims to enrich Daman’s customer experience by providing all the right information - like term, policies and procedures - at the right time. Furthermore, by supporting medical consultancy and more virtuous health habits, it strengthens the relationship with the members: a really crucial key to offer more valuable services over time.

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